60 Min Massage, Graston or Cupping $105.00

75 Min Massage, Graston or Cupping $125.00

90 Min Massage, Graston or Cupping $150.00

TMJD Massage $105.00

All prices are subject to GST.

We accept Cash, Debit, Mastercard, Visa, AMEX, Apple pay and e-transfer.

We accept most major insurance companies for direct billing.

Please be advised: if the direct billing portals are down and we are unable to submit your insurance, by your collective agreement you are required to pay for treatment and self submit.

Cancellation and Late Policy

We require 24 hours notice if you wish to cancel or change your massage appointment. This allows us to accommodate other clients who are in need of massage, and respects our therapist’s time. No-shows and last minute cancellations will be charged the full treatment amount.  This amount will need to be paid before any future appointment bookings.

We thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation.